Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Take Me To Your Leader

As if there wasn't enough in this world I was worried about... now i have to worry about getting abducted by aliens?!?! Thanks a lot The Fourth Kind. Can you please reprint your video cover to say "this movie may cause intense paranoia and ruin all possibilities of nighttime fun for approx. 7 days."

I find it interesting to believe human kind was a creation/experiment by some ufo drivers. If that was one's true belief, how have they not jumped off a bridge by now? What would be the point if we were all here just like ants on an ant farm to be watched and tortured by cruel baby ufo drivers? Getting our arms and legs pulled off, arses burned under a magnifying glass... doesn't quite seem worth it. I prefer to believe I'm an ever-evolving monkey, hoping to some day gain the ever-important survival necessity of eyes in the back of the head AND the front. Seriously. We are supposed to be evolving here. If I can lose all the hair, shorten my arms, gain greater intelligence, get more attractive boobs (have you ever seen an ape's boobs? awful.)... why can't I have four freaking eyes?

I have this notebook I keep jotting down things I want to write about. But I'm never really in the mood to write anywhere other than the personal journal again... I try to write things on here but they turn into boring messes about jobs and apartments and men and pizza.

I heard a story on the Christian radio station today. There was a homeless(?) man with no job to pay his bills and such and he decided he'd put all his trust in God. He prayed a lot. And put a sign on his car reading: Will Work for Anything, and also his phone number. We won't go into the details of how he had a car or phone, but I guess he got enough work to last him a year. That's pretty sweet. I wonder if he got any interesting offers...

Well I got to write some. Which is what I've wanted to do for awhile now! Horray!

Peace out. And don't worry about getting abducted. You have nothing to fear unless some shrink starts hypnotizing you. Then you'll probably die soon.
