Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I haven’t been breathing much lately.

And by that I mean… just stopping to take a breath and enjoy the creation. I haven’t taken any photos of the cool things I’ve seen. I haven’t recorded any of the cool conversations I’ve had or the great people I’ve met. I’ve been so rushed!

Sitting here writing is quite uncomfortable right now.. I’ve been working out more and it’s taking it’s toll. To be honest, I don’t particularly like the results. I believe I’m going to start looking deformed. Without the fat to fill in and round out all my awkward angles, I don’t think I’ll yield the same compliments I’ve received in the past. People actually thought I had a good figure! What if I destroy it with stupid exercise??? Exercise is good though. I feel doomed to diabetes or some type of severe illness since all I eat is candy.

My hair is growing at an alarming rate.

My grandfather is receiving Chemo treatments for lung cancer and even though he lives 15min away, I haven’t seen him in awhile.

My feelings are still hurting a bit. It reminds me a lot of when Mr. Harrisburg disappeared the two times he legitimately disappeared. This time isn’t as bad, though. I’m getting used to it. Still blows my mind how people are capable of that kind of thing. Maybe I’m just more forward than others. or something.

I just put on Boy in the Striped Pajamas. I guess this is farewell for now, until my next “take a breath” day. Well, i hope my next one takes place outdoors. With a camera.
