Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pittsburgh Coffee Shop Tour 2010 Crazy Mocha, Shadyside

Fail #1 - No electric outlets outside.
Fail #2 - No appetizing food.
Fail #3 - Emmy forgot her headphones.
Fail #4 - Wearing flowy dress when it's super windy.

Pass #1 - Tasty raspberry iced tea.
Pass #2 - Red goat.
Pass #3 - Ballerina/Trapeze teddy bear hanging from ceiling.

I really don't feel like I could chill here all day. I failed to include my Southside Crazy Mocha experience in this tour, which is a shame because that one was AWESOME. I did have my headphones and a full belly though when I was there... And I had a super comfy chair in the sun... there isn't even the option of comfy chairs in sun here. Let this be a lesson.

This guy next to me is getting advice from a friend or from an editor about a book he wrote? Maybe? I try to get a feel for the rest of the patrons at this local butttttttt I'm not very good at that. Everyone is alone. Except for the book talkers. Everyone is young. Everyone possesses a laptop, except for the book talkers.

There's a grass green / neon pink house across the street. I can't tell if it's a shop or someone's legit house. They probably just want to seem super cool to the people sitting over here at the crazy coffee cow.

Here is my to-do list for this day's tour stop:
  1. Finish resume for film stuff. Even tho that ship has probably sailed.
  2. Clean out Gmail inbox (86 unread and counting...)
  3. Seriously consider where I can/will be living in 7 weeks. (Akirah, this includes responding to your comment :p)
  4. Cocktail break at Harris Grill's happy hour? $3 frozen cosmo... I kind of miss thee.
  5. Job blog. Bound to be the most boring thing ever written, other than this horrible novella I read last night on someone's blog.
Those goals are pretty lofty, so I think I'll stop the list there. Alright kiddies, I'm gonna get to the list. I'll be back to close this sucker out.

**exciting update*** The guy who was judging that other dude's book is now judging a lady's book! he must be a rockstar... only in editing. Hmm. I should get his card. Then take his job cuz I think I could be better than him. :) tee hee.

Okay I'm still working on the resume and cover letter. But I'm getting really uncomfortable. Crazy Mocha of Shadyside, your seats and suck. And the lack of fresh air sucks. And all I want to do is leave your establishment to play outside. I miss my chair on the sidewalk in south side... :(

15min til Happy Hour... there's no way I could suck down a frozen cosmo now, though. I have iced tea aaaand a solo espresso. I've gotten ridiculously tired, but I need to be careful! Being up before 4am means no nappies and no caffeine overdose. Plus. If I had a frozen cosmo, I'd probably try to make out with Ingrid Michaelson tonight. That would be embarrassing. For her. When she totally goes for it. With lil ol' ME!

Well. Task #2 is complete. And that's all. This place is making me soooo sleepy! I guess I'm just going to go home, make me some dinners, get out of this danger dress, and go pose as an artsy fartsy lady? Darn I wish I bought that sweet hat from urban outfitters. It would be perrrrfect! Maybe there's still time..

It's been fun, Blogspot. Thanks for listening to me, like always.

Tour Rating - 2.523 Cups

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